Jul 28, 2008

Swedens national day of sex

(excuse the delay in this post, I had written it but not published.)

There’s a reason that the highest numbers of births in Sweden occur in April. And if the duration of a pregnancy was exactly nine months to the day after conception, then the 26th of April should be a busy day at the maternity ward in 2009.

For on this day, the 26th of July, the entire Swedish population celebrated National Day of Sex.

Its not a fixed date by any means, more weather-dependent.

Picture the scene. Its 30C and the sun is beating down. Sweden is lucky to have 10 days a year over 30c.

The entire country has taken to the countryside in an attempt to escape the heat. Pools, lakes and rivers packed with bathers, everyone is drunk and semi-naked. The water is cool and glistening, the sun is setting and the sky is on fire, filled with yellow and red...you horny yet?

The Swedes don’t help matters. They are a fucking hot race of people and the whole world knows this. But it’s the sexual freedom, the liberal attitudes and the hard-core porn on the Telly after midnight that adds rocket fuel to the fire. Sex is everywhere.

This is the best day of the year in Sweden. They dont get many like it, so inhibitions have to be discarded.

By the way, I didnt get any. Which is very disappointing.

Long live Sweden's national day of sex.

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